07-09-2021 - 07-09-2021

Jaipur Foot: We had meeting with Bharat Vikas parishad chairman Shree Chitale , Trustee Khatawkar, Prsident Ekbote, CEO Jeste at their office at Tharkade Hospital and handed over cheque of 35500 for 10 J Foot. They will invite us during fitment to beneficiaries. A variety of artificial limbs developed by them were displayed . Further cheques will be given when we collect funds from donors of our club. The meeting was attended by President DR. Shobhatai ,PP Dr. Rao ,PP Appa ,PP Yashwant, Ann Vandana

Project Details

Start Date 07-09-2021
End Date 07-09-2021
Project Cost 35500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 12
No of direct Beneficiaries 10
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment, Economic and Community Development