Stundents from 7th to 9th standard will be checked up for Hb, weight, height and eye. Eye check will be done with the help of Atharva Netralaya. Students needing new spectacles will be given spectacles and the cost will be taken care off by our club. Students having low Hb (<11g/d/ for girls and <13g/dl for boys) are given 3 months iron and folic acid tablets along with a deworming tablet. These students will be followed up after 3 months
Start Date | 02-12-2024 |
End Date | 04-12-2024 |
Project Cost | 26000 |
Rotary Volunteer Hours | 32 |
No of direct Beneficiaries | 270 |
Partner Clubs | |
Non Rotary Partners | |
Project Category | District Thrust Area |